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Friday, December 20, 2013

the marriage struggle

It's black.
For a reason.
No picture could contain -
we lived a week separate from each other, once again.

Craving love,
A warm greeting that was true.
No other opinion do I hold so dear, in my heart, than what comes from you.

I bitch.
I scold.
I affirm a lie
That anyone is more important than you in my life.

Not one.
Not my mothers, my fathers or child.
It's you.
Only you, I hope to come alive.

In this knowing,
the person I have become.
For you chose me
You chose me
To be the one.

All this hopeless
In wondering
if you'd choose me again.
You chose me
You chose me
To be your cover.

And I choose you.
I choose you.
Every day
You're my lover.

I'd choose you,
I'd choose you,
again and again.

I'd choose you,
I'd choose you,
again and again.

copyright Kaley Kiewiet